Monday, March 16, 2009

Connor's Party

We had Connor's party on Saturday. He had so much fun and he loved his Rocketship cake!!!

Connor is 3!!!

Connor turned 3 on March 9th. I can't believe it. We had a little party at our house. We had cake left over. At some point Wednesday night, Caleb and Connor got their bathroom stool out and took it to the kitchen. They ate all of the icing off of the cake. When they realized what a mess they had made, they got a dish towel and tried to clean it up. When they were finished, they put the dish towel back in the drawer. There was a layer of icing all over the kitchen!!!


Caleb had his first soccer game. It was freezing!!! He was a great sport and had a blast in the mud.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Where has February gone?

I can't believe that this month is almost over. We have been busy this month. Chris has been busy at work. He also turned 31 this past weekend. The boys and I made a cake. Probably more for us than Chris.
We have gone down to Gillett a couple of times. Caleb and Connor love seeing Aunt Sally and Uncle Kye. They also have a big time playing with their cousins. I will be glad when it is a little warmer and they can play outside more.
Caleb started soccer. He loves it. Of course, we had to get all of the cool gear and clothing. He may not be able to kick, but he sure does look cool. He is actually getting a lot better. About midway through the first practice, I realized that he had no idea what it meant to hustle. He is enjoying himself.
Connor has been up to his usual. He is the sweetest kid and so funny. He has been doing Wii Fit with me. He runs with me..I don't think that he ever finishes the race. It is hysterical.
James and Jack are great. Both are trying to crawl. James just crawls in a circle and Jack still prefers to roll. James weighs almost 18lbs and Jack is almost 20lbs. They are growing like weeds.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Kids Say the Funniest Things!!

Just thought that I would share a few of my favorites with you guys.

The other day when my mom started home, Caleb said "Happy Trails"

Last night Connor was having his weekly bathroom issue. For those of you who know us well, you know that all Menard boys have "poop issues" Connor was running through the house yelling, "get this poop out of me." Caleb told him, "Connor, I am not a poop expert. Ask someone else."

One morning, I was trying to hurry Caleb out of the shower and he told me that he wasn't finished talking to himself. Lord only knows what he says.

While putting out the nativity set at Christmas, Caleb said "hey look there's the wisemen and the lepers."

When we took the boys for their first pictures, Caleb introduced Amber to the boys. He went on to tell her that the babies drank milk from his mom except when we are at the old farm house. Down there, we have a milk machine. (he was referring to my breast pump.)

During the same photo session, Amber tried to get Connor in a few shots. He told her, "No, I BATMAN!!" For those of you in Central Arkansas, this is the photo that is in the McAdoo ads. Connor was Batman for the first few months after the babies were born. He is now pleasant Connor.

Connor use to call Fire Trucks and Ambulances ha has. Not really sure why. It drove Caleb nuts. We were driving into Little Rock for dinner and Connor saw a fire truck. He started yelling ha ha. Caleb said, "No Connor. It is an EMERGENCY VEHICLE."

I could go on forever.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jumpin' Jack

Jumpin Jack

Jack loves his jumparoo. He will jump as long as you let him. James thinks that its fun. The only thing that Jack would rather do than jump is eat. He actually has worn the toes out of one of his outfits. It is hysterical.